Terms & Conditions

Terms and conditions – Registration and participation in the OWL Orientation Week Leiden – Leiden University
These terms and condition apply to the Orientation Week Leiden organised by Leiden University. This Introduction Programme is only available to students of Leiden University. By registering for participation in the OWL you agree to accept all terms and conditions as stated below.

*Terms for registration: You must be registered as a student starting at Leiden University and not having attended the OWL before.

There is a deadline for the online registration. This deadline is made clear in the invitation email and in the frequently asked questions section on the OWL website. Your registration for the OWL will only be complete after you have completed the (online) registration form and paid the fee if applicable. You can register with the link that was sent to you in a personal invitation

After the registration deadline has passed it is still possible to attend the online OWL: If places are still available for the physical Owl, there will be additional sign up sessions at allocated times and location, to be published on the website and through Social Media.

*Cancellation of the OWL week by the student:
Cancellation of participation in the OWL can be submitted in writing by sending an email to participants@owl.leidenuniv.nl.
Be advised that, in case of paid fees, there are no refunds possible unless you will not be attending Leiden University at all and you cancelled OWL participation before the closing of the online registration deadline (as conveyed in the invitation and the FAQ section of the OWL website).
After the online registration deadline has passed, any refunds in case of cancellation are no longer possible.
As no refunds will be issued, we advise you to sign up if you are sure you can attend : you fulfilled your Academic requirements, flights are available and you have secured a place to stay during OWL. Any urgent serious/personal emergencies resulting in cancelling can be conveyed to us by email and will be taken into consideration for refund on an individual basis

Additional purchases offered by OWL ( i.e. Leidse Pas discount card) are all non-refundable.
For cancellation of a USC sports membership after the start of the OWL week you can get in touch with the USC sports centre directly via: https://www.uscleiden.com/aboutusc/contact.html

*Conduct during OWL

Virtual OWL
Usage of the app is only possible after personal registration and acceptance by OWL. No other parties than the intended invitees are allowed to make us of this platform. Online conduct deemed inappropriate by the OWL organisation may lead to expulsion from the online platform.

On location OWL
Drugs & alcohol policy
During the Orientation Week all use of drugs is prohibited. If participants or anyone involved in the OWL week (Guides, Crew, Student organisations etc.) is caught holding or using drugs there will be severe consequences: they will be excluded from further participation/involvement in the OWL.

Alcohol is prohibited for everyone under 18. Participants who are under 18 will receive a special participants wristband which clearly marks them as minors. All participants are required to wear their wristbands or be able to show it at all times. If participants under 18 are caught in possession of or drinking alcohol, or if anyone involved in the OWL week is caught providing alcohol to minors, there will be severe consequences; they will be excluded from further participation/ involvement in the OWL.
During the OWL, alcohol provided at our own OWL bars is allowed for people who are of legal drinking age.
All the Guides will receive an instruction for responsible alcohol use during the Guides & Crew training before the start of the OWL week and are responsible for the welfare of participants in their group. The abuse of alcohol might have consequences for both the responsible guides and the offending participant(s).
Although we serve alcohol during the OWL week, we always have non-alcoholic drinks available at any and all events.

General conduct
For safety purposes and legal constrictions which the OWL organisation is required to adhere to, the participant is obligated to follow the instructions of crew, guides and organisation and comply to the rules as set by the OWL week organisation. For all parties involved disregard of these rules or any misconduct like violence or sexual misconduct (such as unwanted advances) can lead to severe consequences; Exclusion from further participation/ involvement in the OWL and legal actions in case of serious misconduct may follow.

*Privacy Policy
Privacy Statement of the OWL

The Orientation Week Leiden organisation- (hereafter referred to as OWL), organiser of the introduction programme for new international students on behalf of Leiden University, is deemed responsible for the processing of personal data as mentioned in this privacy statement. This privacy statement pertains to participants and all (paid and unpaid) volunteers active during the Leiden University OWL programmes.

Contact information:
Orientation Week Leiden
OWL office 20A
Kaiserstraat 25,
2311GN Leiden
The Netherlands

Personal data which we process
The OWL processes your personal data if you make use of our services and /or if you provide them to us voluntarily. Below you find an overview of the personal data we process: -First name and last name -Gender -Nationality -Date of birth -Email Address -Phone Number -Study/Study Phase -Any other information you voluntarily provided us with through correspondence with the OWL organisation pertaining to the OWL week.

Exceptional and/or sensitive data which we process The OWL organisation processes the following exceptional and/or sensitive data that you might provide us with: -Any dietary wishes and/or food allergies -Disabilities that might influence participation in the OWL programme -Shirt size or shoe size if activities organised by the OWL are required for these

To which avail and on what basis do we process this personal data
The OWL processes your personal data for the following reasons: -To complete your submission and process your registration to participate in the OWL programme -To be able to inform you of changes in our services or changes to our programme -To send you information concerning the OWL or partners of the OWL -To take your personal preferences into account during the OWL week and to optimize our services -To be able to contact you if needed

How long will we save your personal data?
The OWL saves your personal data no longer than strictly necessary and only to realize goals for which we hold this data indispensable. For the following personal data we maintain a retention period of three years:
– First name and last name
-Date of birth
-Email Address
-Phone Number
-Study/Study Phase

This data is retained for OWL- recruitment purposes, evaluation and statistical use with the purpose to optimize our services

The following information is only used for the duration of the OWL with a maximum retention period of one year:
-Any other information you voluntarily provided us with through correspondence with the OWL organisation pertaining to the OWL week.

If you have objections against being included in the recruitment activities for future OWLs or the use of your data for anything other than the anonymous statistics, you can convey this to the OWL organisation by emailing participants@owl.leidenuniv.nl

Payment with Creditcard
With payment by creditcard you have the option of Mastercard or Visa. As soon as the payment has been verified, the OWL organisation will be informed of the payment. The fee will be deducted and taxed right away.
Owl is part of Leiden university:
Address: Rapenburg 70, 2311EX Leiden
Chamber of commerce registration: 27368929
VAT number: NL001935549B01

Sharing of your personal details with other parties

The OWL does not share your personal data with third parties and will only provide your personal data if it is required to fulfill our agreement to you or to comply to any legal obligations. We close a processing agreement with any third party who requires access to part of your personal data on our behalf, as to ensure the same level of safety and privacy in the handling of your personal data. The OWL maintains responsible for the handling of your personal data.

Use of photographs and video
The OWL may take photographs and video footage during the OWL week to make an impression of the week for recruitment purposes, to be posted on the OWL facebook page, OWL instagram page, the OWL website and in the OWL app. OWL reserves the right to use any photograph/video taken at any event organised by OWL, without the expressed written permission of those included within the photograph/video. A person attending an OWL event who does not wish to have their image recorded for use should make their wishes known to the OWL-photographer or filmer, and/or the event organizers. If  a person wants their image removed from social media or other promotional material , they can contact the OWL board to do so.

View, edit or remove personal data
You have the right to view, edit or remove your personal data. Furthermore, you have the right to revoke your permission of the processing of your personal data or to object to the use of your personal data by the OWL organisation and you have the right to data portability.
If you revoke your permission to the use of your personal data by the OWL, this automatically means you will not be able to participate in the OWL week.
You can send us a request to send you or another party, specified by you,  the personal data we have of you in a digital file. You can send a request to view, edit or remove your personal data, a request for data portability or a revocation of your permission or objection to the processing of your personal data to participants@owl.leidenuniv.nl.

To confirm that the request for viewing was done by you, we ask that you add a copy of your identification with the request. In this copy of your passport please black out your photo, the MRZ (Machine Readable Zone- the line with numbers at the bottom of your passport), the passport number and your Social Security number. This protects your privacy. We will send a response to your request as soon as possible, within 4 weeks at the latest.

LeidsePas Discount Card

During the OWL online registration you will be offered the option of buying a LeidsePas discount card. This card will help you discover Leiden even on a (tight) student budget. With the LeidsePas you will receive discounts up to 50% at over 150 different venues in Leiden!

  • Discounts at shops with books, bikes & accessories, clothes, shoes, etc.
  • Discount on beer at various bars
  • Up to 50% off the museums entry fees
  • Reduced prices at a wide range of restaurants
  • Reduced membership fees for a vast amount of gyms
  • Valid until July 1st 2025
  • And much, much more…

Make sure you order through OWL and not the website to get the discount!!
For OWL we have a special offer, only valid for OWL Week Participants:
A LeidsePas for €19,95

The card can be purchased during online registration for the OWL and picked up during the week. You will be informed on details.